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The TJEM Best Citation Award 2024

The most cited paper (original article) among original articles/case reports published by the TJEM in 2021-2022.
11 citations during 2021-2022

Title: Predictors of SARS-CoV-2 Positivity Based on RT-PCR Swab Tests at
    a Drive-Through Outpatient Clinic for COVID-19 Screening in Japan

Authors: Tadashi Ishii, Shigeki Kushimoto, Yukio Katori, Shigeo Kure, Kaoru Igarashi,
  Motoo Fujita, Shin Takayama, Michiaki Abe, Junichi Tanaka, Akiko Kikuchi,
  Yoshiko Abe, Hiroyuki Imai, Yohei Inaba, Yoko Iwamatsu-Kobayashi,
  Takashi Nishioka, Ko Onodera and Tetsuya Akaishi
(Tohoku J. Exp. Med. 2020; 253: 101-108)

The most cited paper (original article) among original articles/case reports published by the TJEM in 2018-2022.
37 citations during 2018-2022

Title: LncRNA SNHG3 Promotes Hepatocellular Tumorigenesis by Targeting miR-326

Authors: Qian Zhao, Chensi Wu, Jingwen Wang, Xidong Li, Yuchen Fan,
  Shuai Gao and Kai Wang

(Tohoku J. Exp. Med. 2019; 249: 43-56)

The TJEM Best Citation Award is awarded to the authors, whose original article or case report published during the previous two or five years in the Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine are the most cited in the subsequent three or six years. Awardees of the TJEM Best Citation Award are determined by the Editorial Board of the TJEM every year. The TJEM Best Citation Award is awarded once during the previous two or five years.

The certificate of the TJEM Best Citation Award is presented to the first author, and to all the authors in an electronic format (PDF).

The awarded first author is invited to submit either an original article, a case report or a review article to the TJEM. The manuscript should be submitted to the TJEM within one year after awarded, and will be subject to peer review. No publication fee is required.

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ONLINE ISSN 1349-3329
PRINT  ISSN 0040-8727